Primary School
The BES bilingual programme is based on a 50% English - 50% Italian model.
In the Primary School, learning is achieved through a constructivist model. We believe that students learn best when they are directly involved in their learning and connect with it through rich, meaningful experiences. Learning in the Primary School is therefore based on the strengths, uniqueness and complexity of learners and at BES students are encouraged to learn through play, mistake making, reasoning and by being actively involved in the learning process.
The school day starts at 8.30 am and finishes at 4.00 pm.
How do we learn at BES
We maintain standards of excellence in all aspects of the educational programme, offering a carefully planned and sequential curriculum.
The Primary Years Programme PYP places great emphasis on the pupil's personal growth. The Learner Profile promotes the child's development at every level: physical, intellectual, emotional and ethical.
- Pupils "learn to learn" by becoming keen observers, formulating hypotheses, testing their ideas and sharing conclusions.
- Rather than repeating information received from the teacher or textbooks, PYP pupils develop personal knowledge of how the world works, acquiring cross-curricular skills that will enable them to continue learning along their own, personal, learning paths.
- The most significant and distinctive feature of BES's Primary Years Programme is its six transdisciplinary themes, which address relevant topics that are important to all of us.
- The programme is balanced between learning about disciplines (or interdisciplinary) and learning that transcends disciplines (transdisciplinary) to be applied to the outside world.
We help students acquire their own personal level of academic knowledge in the two languages by developing excellent English language skills. We encourage them to learn content from different subject areas and acquire transdisciplinary skills, such as researching information sources, organising, analysing and synthesising, critical thinking, decision-making, problem solving, interpreting and communicating data. We foster creativity, curiosity and passion for scientific inquiry. We build a solid foundation for the use of modern technology, its applications, its potential and, of course, its Iimits. We develop awareness of diversity and help students recognise that others, with their differences, can also be right.
We have integrated the curricula of all years with the skills and competencies specified by the Italian Ministry of Education.
The PYP keeps the study of traditional disciplines unchanged: Italian, mathematics, science, social sciences, humanities and arts, personal, social and physical education. The curricula for each year level define the general objectives for each discipline and are integrated within our single, bilingual curriculum with those provided for the year levels of the Italian school. The PYP framework is specifically designed to provide the flexibility to incorporate the ministerial requirements set forth for the curriculum. Indeed, by examining the documents related to the Moratti, Fioroni and Fedeli school reforms, we found that there is a close and natural correspondence between the Ministry of Education University Research (MIUR) directions and the PYP objectives.
Learn about activities with Primary School specialists
Teamwork represents a set of values that encourage listening and constructive feedback to the opinions expressed by others, giving others the benefit of the doubt, collaboration and acknowledging the interests and successes of others.- The Discipline of Teams in the Harvard Business Review