Mission & Vision
“Our mission is to develop the intellect and character of each learner by providing the opportunity for an outstanding bilingual education with a global perspective”
Our mission is to develop the intellect and character of each learner by providing them with the opportunity for an outstanding bilingual education with a global perspective, based on the principles of collaboration and shared values. At BES, the student is at the center of the teaching approach: in fact, teachers get to know and evaluate each student by developing a constructive bond that stimulates both personal growth and academic progress.
We foster a "life-long love of learning"
We encourage students to strive for excellence and enhance their development in the intellectual, social, artistic and physical spheres. We foster a passion for knowledge that will accompany them for a lifetime. We encourage our pupils to think critically, to be resourceful and creative. We instil in them the spirit of solidarity and an international mindset. We pursue an ideal of active and empirical learning and encourage teamwork. Pupils are constantly involved in research activities in an authentically collaborative context.
We build self-confidence
Our school provides constant support and nurturing to our students. This caring and attentive atmosphere enables them to thrive and become confident, creative and respectful people, ready to adapt successfully to a rapidly and constantly changing world. We inspire them to make appropriate choices, including taking responsibility for their own actions by developing their own extraordinary potential. We invite our students to discover and develop their own strengths and talents, offering them the necessary skills and opportunities they need to reach their goals.
We diversify learning
Students build their knowledge on different levels, and the learning process is different for each one: we encourage students to engage in research, critical thinking, reflection, and thematic discussions, which are fundamental requirements for acquiring intellectual competence, growth, and continuous learning.
Global Citizenship
The Learner Profile
The aim of all International Baccalaureate programmes is to develop internationally minded people who, recognising their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, which help to create a better and more peaceful world.
IB learners strive to be:
They show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. They have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference in the lives of others and to the environment.
A differentiated approach
We recognise that students learn at different rates and that there are many factors affecting achievement, including ability, emotional state, age and maturity.
We understand that a differentiated approach based on best practices in education supports the learning of all students in our classes. We recognise that many students, at some time in their developmental continuum, may experience difficulties which affect their learning, whether they are long or short term. We aim to identify these needs as they arise and provide teaching and learning contexts which enable every child to achieve his or her full potential.
“To cope with the demands of the 21st century, students need to know more than core subjects. They need to know how to use their knowledge and skills – by thinking critically, applying knowledge to new situations, analyzing information, comprehending new ideas, communicating, collaborating, solving problems, and making decisions.".”- Kath Murdoc, Education Consultant